We provide a series of property management services including security services, cleaning services, gardening and landscaping services, car parking management, and daily repair and maintenance for property developers, property owners, and tenants. The project portfolio includes residential and non-residential property management. Non-residential properties include office buildings, rental apartments, public facilities, industrial parks, hospitals and bank branches.
We provide various community value-added services in the residential properties under management of Landsea Green Life to satisfy customers' changing needs and improve the quality of life. The services include home-living services such as housekeeping and house repair and maintenance, public resource management services such as public area rental and advertising activities, and second-hand property agency services relate to the sales and leases of second-hand properties and use rights of car park spaces.
We provide value-added services for non-property owners to satisfy diverse needs for property management. These services include sales assistance services such as visitor reception, on-site cleaning, security, and maintenance services. We also assist property developers in showcasing and marketing their properties in the pre-sale stage. We provide consultancy and other services in the early stages such as cleaning, inspection, repair and maintenance services. We also provide a small amount of repair and maintenance services after property delivery when the property developers inspect relevant properties and require relevant services. We provide property agency services for the sales and leases of the properties that are owned by property developers.
Service experience203,Managing an area3006million ㎡